My mission is to help others see a path forward to reaching any athletic goal they desire. Like the Eagle that effortlessly soars to great heights, I want you to have the confidence to head into the wind.
Through relentless pursuit of the most advanced practices in physical therapy I will strive to deliver cutting edge treatments that promote healing and strength while providing the ultimate individualized patient care experience.
I’m dedicated to serving my seacoast NH community by providing holistic health and performance-based therapy to feel and move better with age and through injury.
I have served in the healthcare community over 19 years working a variety of physical therapy settings (outpatient rehab, inpatient rehab, home health and emergency room) with experience in treating post-surgical orthopedic pathologies, complex orthopedic conditions, cardiac rehabilitation, neuromuscular conditions, and vestibular dysfunction and balance disorders.
I grew up engaged in multiple sports including swimming, track, weightlifting, basketball, gymnastics and cheerleading. I was introduced to physical therapy after a knee injury while running track. I gravitated to the biological sciences in college, earning a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M and then my Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Simmons College in Boston. I recently received my CSOMT (Certification in Sports and Orthopedic Manual Therapy). I am enrolled in a fellowship program through Institute of Athlete Regeneration to obtain my FAAOMPT (Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists) credential.
Additional completed postgraduate coursework and certifications in:
Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete, assessing and coaching of barbell lifting technique and correcting movement dysfunctions that limit performance and contribute to injury.
Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner, performing gait analysis, gait retraining and strategies to continue running while rehabilitating from injury.
The Ready State Certified Movement and Mobility Specialist and Coach, assessing and coaching on mechanics for full physiologic movement of the human body and strategies for self-maintenance.
Myofascial Decompression Level 1 – incorporating cupping therapy with fascial mobility and neuromuscular re-education.
Dry Needling Level 1 - treating pain and soft tissue pathologies to allow for enhanced tissue regeneration and athletic performance.
When I’m not in the clinic you will find me in the weight room, spending time with my sons, boating on the lake with my fiancé, or learning the next new biohacker tip for health, performance and longevity.